Friday, 20 November 2020

My Movie

 Today at school Vicki showed us how to use we video. we created a movie out of our stop motions that we made. Heres my video.

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Dangerous Games story

 This is my Dangerous games story that i wrote a while ago. it is called Deadly planets. 

Tuesday, 13 October 2020

Music with Fran

This is me on the violin. I really like learning the strings on the violin like the A string and the E string. The only bad part was putting my fingers on the strings because it was hard. but in the end i kinda learnt how to put my fingers on the string


Friday, 25 September 2020

Passion Inquiry


This is my passion inquiry that i made. It took me a pretty long time to make this 

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

El Rancho Camp


 This is my El Rancho camp journal. The slide show Shows what we did and more.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

My favourite piece of writing


This is my favourite piece of writing. its a pretty good story, in my opinion. But this took like two weeks.

My boy at the back of the class Slide


This is my boy at the back of the class slideshow. Look at the slide to see what ive been doing

Monday, 10 August 2020

Me and my Whanau art


This is my Whanau art that i made last week

whanau art

This is a video that explains what my whanau art is

 and this is my pepeha

Thursday, 6 August 2020

My Pepeha

This is my pepeha read the slide for more info

Monday, 3 August 2020

Friday, 24 July 2020

My Favourite NZ destination

My favourite holiday destination is Taupo because it snows there, there are hot pools, big parks and it has beautiful beaches. It also has nice mountain views.

Ive been there 4 times and it was fun.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

The coolest Matariki art

This Is our Matariki art that we did. The top picture is a star that we did this morning.
It was very fun to make. The bottom one with more pictures is a Matariki collaboration
that our whole class did. 

Friday, 19 June 2020

More about myself

Hi my name is Liam i go to Waitohu School. I use to have two cats but one of them passed away. I have 1 brother And he is really annoying. I really like gaming my favourite games are Fortnite and Roblox. and yea

My Lockdown Diary

Hello guys. This is my Lockdown Diary / What i did in lockdown. And yeah i didint do that much in lockdown. All though it was very boring. by the way there were 2 cases on 15 of June just had to put that out there

Monday, 15 June 2020

The Best Kitty Cat in the world

My Cat Luna

1 Her name is Luna.
Sometimes i call her Lunsta
2 She is a Female.
3 Her fur colours are Ginger,White,Black.
4 She likes my bed, my blanket, and the food bag.
5 My Cat is very playful.
6 My Cat is 3 years old. Here's a picture like her

Cute Ginger Mix, Black and White Kitten (With images) | Pretty ...